oh my my my

Well hi I don’t have anything exciting to share this week. I’ve basically done nothing since my last post except work on some art and a little sewing this past weekend.

No progress to report on Utena, it’s still not done, but Chase sanded all my 3d printed pieces and got started painting them. Can’t really do anything else til they are done.

I felt like I couldn’t start on anything else til Utena was done and I could clean up my sewing room and sort of “reset” so I didn’t until I got frustrated with it and just went ahead and started on my next project this weekend — Disneybound Leia #3

I made a little petticoat. This is the same pattern I used for the skirt for Dapper Bespin Leia and Dale. I like the look.

When I was working on the ruffle pleats it reminded me of a paper ketchup cup.

So that’s mainly what I did Saturday night/Sunday afternoon.

I also got the outer skirt cut (white satin) but didn’t take pics of it, didn’t start sewing it together yet.

For the top of the dress i’m using a vintage pattern out of the stash. Didn’t want to cut it, so I taped it to the big kitchen window to trace it.

The back panel has some handwritten notes on it, I think it says August 1956.

I’ve got to do a mock-up of the top. #1 because it intimidates me, it’s got an underarm gusset which I’ve never done, but it would be fine if I wasn’t doing the short sleeve version which creates a really weird shape for the gusset and I have no idea how it’s supposed to work. So I need to mess with it and try to understand it in cheap fabric first. #2 because I’m sure this pattern is going to be too small for my stupid boobs like every pattern the last few years, so I’m probably going to have to modify it to make it bigger through the chest, which is just going to complicate this underarm gusset even further.

I do like how I went from 2016 disneybound Leia “I can’t wear all white to disney world, that’s a disaster waiting to happen and also I need to be comfortable” to “let’s make an all white satin dress and wear it with heels and hairpieces like I’m at dragoncon or some shit”

While I was sewing yesterday Chase made a cake:

It was really good.

Utenas (plus Luna)

Speaking of, Luna has been driving us crazy. All the times we’ve played one of those “cat videos” for her on youtube or “cat games” on the ipad she has never been interested. Now it’s all she cares about, and it’s made her realize there are things moving on the TV a LOT more than just her cat videos, so we’ll just be watching some disney video and she’s up on the tv stand, watching things move and occasionally jumping at them. It’s gotten to be a problem. She also underfoot all weekend, while I was trying to sew and just being needy.

She hasn’t had any anxiety meds in weeks now because we can’t get her to eat ANYTHING with it mixed in.
We’ve tried:
1. In her normal wet food with dry food mixed in (her normal dinner)
2. In her normal wet food without dry food
3. in her “junk food” wet food she normally loves
4. In a squeezy chicken puree treat
5. In chicken stock
6. In warmed up chicken stock

The latest we tried was letting the medicine absorb into a freeze dried salmon treat. She ate the first one and we thought great, this is going to work. Nope, she wouldn’t touch the second attempt. I put it in her food bowl, she knocked it away. I put it back. She knocked it away. I put it back. She knocked it away.

The freeze-dried idea came from a suggestion at our local pet store, an employee kindly stood with us and went over every idea we could think of. We agreed that holding her down and trying to squirt it directly in her mouth would freak her out, and when you’re trying to medicate anxiety, that doesn’t seem like a great idea. Also just kinda came to the conclusion that even though the medicine is chicken flavored, it smells bad to her so she doesn’t want it.

But she’s been pretty good without it. Got her a new “feather on a stick” toy she’s really liking. But any cat people out there, we are open to other ideas.

So this week, hoping to finish up Utena, fingers crossed, get the bodice pattern figured out. Man I’d so love to have this whole dress done by next weekend? But I’m also not gonna drive myself crazy to do it.